Friday, April 16, 2010

Mass Media brainwashing?

One of the statments from the Value statement sheet was Society, via the mass media, conditions or brainwashes people in the same way hypnopaedia affects the people of "The Brave New World."
I believe society and mass media do play a big role in influencing people, society especially. In today's world life is all about trends. People are steady trying to keep up with the many different trends, no matter how expensive, or stupid. Mass media ties into this as well. Advertising and things of that nature condition our minds to believe we need certain things, when in actuality we do not

Friday, February 19, 2010


I truly believe that at the rate we are going in this world, that we will soon actually be just as they were in Feed. All of us programmed with chips, that give us unlimited knowledge. This will cause a certain decrease the amount of people having their own thoughts. If everyone is programmed the same way, there will be no opinions, no creative thoughts, and as a result of trying the make the people of the world smarter, in turn we will be dumbed down.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cultural Critism (Rap Music)

Bell Hooks speaks about rap music and how much it perpetuates misogyny, obsenity, and pornographic images of women. Because rap is so diverse it reaches more than just the Black community. Bell describes rap as a little third world country, that young White consumers listen to and take out of it, all the obsenity, and misogyny. I agree with Bell, however I do not fault the artists for rapping about these things. Its what sells. Just like all of the sexist advertisements rap exploits the female race, and I am not saying that it is justified, but it is all about money. In order to make money, you have to make sales, and in order to make sales you must give the people what they like. For the most part the rappers do not even do the things they rap about. Tupac for instance, was very respectful to women, soley because he knows how women feel, because his mother was a single mother, and he saw the struggles that she went through in raising him. Many parents complain about rap music and what it is doing to their children, but I feel as though it is the parents job to censor what their child hears, if they do not want them listening to that kind of music.

Friday, January 29, 2010


The technology that we use today contributes a great deal to the "noise" in everyday life. Our computers and laptops make constant noise, our phone make noises when they ring or we get a text message etc. The good thing about using a cell phone or texting, opposed to talking to someone face to face is that it is alot easier to call or text someone, where as though, if you dont use a phone there is no fast way of getting in touch with someone.

I believe there is a difference between using technology, and abusing it. Some people spend their whole days on the computer or on the phone. Like my mother always says, cell phones are only supposed to be used for emergencies, and in this day, they are almost substitues for house phones.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My name is Mark Smith, but everyone calls me Kahlil. I play football for Shippensburg. I am a sophomore in school, redshirt freshman on the field. As of now I am still undeclared, but I am picking up a major this semester.